Untangling the Web of Disagreement

Many people have tried to shorten this gap without understanding the shared traits that both the law and technology have. On one side we have the fact it took humanity almost a hundred years to create and understand the peculiarities of the lexicon used in science. Take a moment to gather your bearings on this and now think how difficult is for men of science to put their findings in layman terms and you’ll have yourself the “impossible force against the unmovable object” scenario that keeps this ongoing confrontation. The law relies on what it can be proven, technology can procure the proof, but it needs to be explained how it happens. Otherwise, those processed under the rule of law could argue they are being judged by magical means. For science and law, it’s necessary to create tools to close the gap between knowledge and representation. In World Wide Links we believe these must be designed to find common ground that can ease and the understanding related to the features on every topic and field of expertise for attorneys, and lawmakers working on law firms and the legal system, as well for scholars, and researchers working in every scientific field that is lawfully regulated. That would mean that the training and education of a lawyer should include the acquisition of habits to understand the science required for his preferred legal field while working scientists should learn communicational skills to explain their findings without assuming a superiority aura when approaching people who are not well versed on their discipline of choice.

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