The Link between Technology and Law Firms

World Wide Links and The Link Between Technology and Legal Procedures

The sudden appearance of the internet in the early 90’s made it pretty clear that the whole legal game had a lot of catch up to do pretty fast. These days anybody claiming a lack of relationship between law firms and technology is somebody running pretty naive arguments. More to the point: In World Wide Links we have realized that there is a symbiotic relationship between law and everything we do in the real world and on the internet as well. The web is linked to science since it has given us the means to access new resources, as well as tools, devices, and software to improve our living conditions.

The direct relation between personal injury lawyers and technology right now is a two-sided point edged sword. On one side we rely on the law is to regulate the reach of technology, on the other side, the law requires technologies to find the means to make proper justice. The consequences as you can expect is the struggle of the law firms everywhere to keep up with the changes brought by new technologies. Philadelphia Injury Lawyers has used our service with great success! The fact that the enforcement of law depends on governments also places a considerable barrier in their ability to get the best out of it. We can put the blame on bureaucracy on that one.

The Ongoing Debate

In World Wide Links we are aware that lawyers and law firms pursue their goals to bring justice using the technologies they have available as the law is always making concessions and conceiving new regulations that create new forms to asset evidence admissible on a court of law. Modern legal rules have been shaped by new technology that has allowed the truth to come forward in many cases where no single shred of physical evidence could be provided, with modern science being developed to back it up. The problem for the law is that science has a fast and steady pace that renders obsolete the rules conceived for regulating their own creations in a perpetual cycle that never seems to end.

As creations of science, technologies can’t slow down for the sake of the law. In World Wide Links we firmly believe that the law is needed to catch up faster. Regulations and prosecutions are not something that should take years for the sake of a logical argument. A dialog might be in place between lawmakers and scientists, but this scenario is always a cause for controversy especially when it comes to medical treatments that could save people of incurable illnesses or untreatable injuries. There is no social discipline out of the reach of technology. Certainly, fields like biology, medicine, computer science, engineering, economics, statistics, and social sciences rely on improved tech to obtain precise results. Why the law can’t?

Untangling the Web of Disagreement

Many people have tried to shorten this gap without understanding the shared traits that both the law and technology have. On one side we have the fact it took humanity almost a hundred years to create and understand the peculiarities of the lexicon used in science. Take a moment to gather your bearings on this and now think how difficult is for men of science to put their findings in layman terms and you’ll have yourself the “impossible force against the unmovable object” scenario that keeps this ongoing confrontation. The law relies on what it can be proven, technology can procure the proof, but it needs to be explained how it happens. Otherwise, those processed under the rule of law could argue they are being judged by magical means.

For science and law, it’s necessary to create tools to close the gap between knowledge and representation. In World Wide Links we believe these must be designed to find common ground that can ease and the understanding related to the features on every topic and field of expertise for attorneys, and lawmakers working on law firms and the legal system, as well for scholars, and researchers working in every scientific field that is lawfully regulated. That would mean that the training and education of a lawyer should include the acquisition of habits to understand the science required for his preferred legal field while working scientists should learn communicational skills to explain their findings without assuming a superiority aura when approaching people who are not well versed on their discipline of choice.

The Current State of Affairs

World Wide Links is aware that too many law firms are using new technologies to increase their reach and have a more in-depth understanding of the social causes of the cases that have to go to a court of law. This occurrence is a reflection of a broader business economy where these ongoing occurrences, as well as the new technological developments, bring change and vast economic benefits as well as new, modern work structures. This is not an uncommon scenario, and it’s usually referred by sociologists as “the gig economy,” because it encompasses the way someone undertakes the tasks given to them on a place where temporary positions are a rule of thumb, to offer an example. Many organizations work this way now: they hire freelance workers and keep relationships on a short-term basis.

A study handled by the Oxford University reveals how technology and existing law can work on the creation of practical means to solve most of society’s legal problems by creating new platforms that filter what is perceived as disruptive innovation from the actual science that is there to help people. The study also considers the principles of the gig economy and the way it helps to build the relationship between a lawyer and his clients. The scenarios since the induction of our legal system leave a track of poor results that are certainly a cause for embarrassment, even if the number of successes outweighs them.

What the Future Has for Law and Science

There is no way to deny the fact that new technology is exciting, In World Wide Links we can’t cast aside the fact that every new advancement in the field is created by the human mind, making it fallible to some extent, even when it has been programmed to do so. The law on the other side needs for attorneys and judges to face the music and keep the pace of the times they are living in unless they are willing to suffer the consequences of becoming irrelevant to a society that could deem them as disposable. Both lawmakers and scientists have high expectations of what technology can bring to the table to make justice more effective, but it has many barriers that need to be overcome by the players involved on both sides.